Welcome back to another edition of Between the Brackets [ ] where you get to know the beautiful folks behind the best B2B SaaS websites on the internet! 🚀
Today, we’re featuring one of our Frontend Engineers (which is no easy feat since they’re always alert for any bugs and hot fixes 🔥). Say hello to Erica Snyder!
About Erica

What's up Erica! Tell us a little more about yourself.
Hey hi hello! I’m originally from San Jose, CA and have been living in San Diego since May, 2021.
I studied architecture at Cal Poly SLO and worked as an architectural designer for 3 years before making a fairly scary, yet thoroughly rewarding, career change and starting my journey as a Web Developer!
I’m a silly goofy person, and in my free time I love cooking for my girlfriend and engaging in hobbies that either teach me new things or require me to learn a new skill.
At the beginning of this year I started crochet and went down a massive - and I mean massive - crochet rabbit hole. I have also recently started birding and have found great joy in paying just a bit more attention to the world around me.
What is your role here at Webstacks?
I’m a Level 2 Frontend Engineer and I focus mainly on retainer client work. I help out on all aspects of the sites, whether it be a set of new components, a new page build, or a complete refactor.
Right now I’m working with four clients, two of whom I’ve been working with for nearly my entire tenure at Webstacks. It’s been really rewarding to watch these sites come to life with the steady improvements and feature additions we’ve been able to make.
As of now, I work most closely with designers Mo Chen and Chloe Gunter, and am thrilled to be collaborating with a new teammate Aqil Thanawala. And of course, none of our work would be possible without our stellar project managers Seric Burns, Erika Julsrud, and Jill Gelinas!
First things first, we know you have the most adorable dog PB! What's the story behind your dog's name/how did you choose it?

PB!! He goes by many names, but his formal name is Sir Peanut Butter.
I adopted him through a rescue organization in the Bay Area, and his foster family told me that he reeeeeeally loved peanut butter. Naturally, I made sure to bring a jar at our first meet and greet and sure enough, all it took was one hefty scoop for him to decide that I seemed cool enough to hang out with.
PB’s favorite pastimes include endless games of fetch, licking the kitchen floor while I cook, and valiantly protecting our home from dangerous squirrels and birds. He is a fantastic road trip dog and loves car adventures.
He’s the best, most energetic, most food motivated coworker I’ve ever had, and he definitely keeps things interesting!
Web Development at Webstacks
What do you enjoy the most about your role at Webstacks?
One of the most rewarding parts of my role is the constant relationship building. The sites I work on have been true collaborative efforts from all perspectives, and the rapport I have been able to build with my clients has been an absolute joy.
The relationships I have built with my internal teammates have empowered me to ask questions, make recommendations, and most importantly, learn new things!
As a naturally curious person, I honestly can’t think of anything I love more than learning something new, and I really do feel like I learn something new every day in my role.
What do you think is one of the most underrated skills to have as a developer?
I don’t know if it’s an underrated skill, but I think being curious is so, so important. What better way to learn than to ask questions?
If you enter each task and approach each problem with curiosity, you’re more likely to achieve an effective, scalable solution than if you take everything at face value.
Company Culture
What is your favorite Webstacks memory so far?
I think my favorite Webstacks memory might have to be the Padres game back in 2022. We had such a big group that we were struggling to get everyone into one picture, and a very kind person on the balcony above us lent a very helpful hand and snapped a few photos of the team. It was honestly a really funny moment.
If you could only eat one cuisine for the rest of your life, which one would you choose?
Oh man. I don’t think I can narrow it down to one!! Thai. Mediterranean. Japanese. Mexican. Indian. I truly cannot choose. (Can you tell I love to eat?)
The Wrap-Up

Any advice for candidates who may be interested in your role today?
Admitting when you don’t know something is more powerful than pretending to have all of the answers!
Over the last year and a half at Webstacks I have been afforded many opportunities to develop my technical skills, and my previous work experience, though in an unrelated field, gave me the confidence to ask for clarification and openly admit that I need to do more research or ask another developer for support if necessary.
All experience is relevant experience, and there’s always more to learn!
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