Web Design

Website Refresh vs Redesign: Which Do You Actually Need?

Refresh or redesign? Find out how to scope your next web design project.

Jesse Schor
Jesse Schor
3 minutes

Did you know that 38% of people will leave a website if it doesn’t look appealing? If your website doesn’t express an inspiring visual identity or feel intuitive to navigate, you might need to consider an update. 

Deciding between a website refresh and a full redesign is crucial for your online presence and can have lasting effects on your brand, user experience, and SEO. But how do you know which option is the right one for you?

In this article, we will cover the differences between a website refresh and a redesign, and help you determine which approach best suits your needs. Read on to learn how to evaluate your website and decide on the best course of action.

Key Takeaways:

  • A website refresh involves making updates without changing the overall structure of your site.

  • A website redesign completely transforms your website including the layout, site architecture, and design system.

  • A refresh is quicker, less expensive, and can give your website a fresh look.

  • A redesign allows for a complete revamp of your site, improving functionality and performance.

  • Consider factors like cost, time investment, SEO implications, business goals, and current website performance when deciding which approach to take.

Understanding the Difference

To make an informed decision between a website refresh and a website redesign, it's essential to understand the differences between the two approaches.

What is a Website Refresh?

A website refresh updates your existing website to give it a fresh look and feel without making significant structural changes. This can involve:

  • Updating branding elements such as colors, typography, or graphics to align with your current brand identity.

  • Making minor design changes to improve user experience and overall visual appeal.

By opting for a website refresh, you maintain your website's existing functionality while giving it a modern and updated appearance. Here, you are not starting from scratch but building upon what you already have.

Website Refresh Example


What is a Website Redesign?

A website redesign is a thorough process that involves a complete overhaul of your website. This can include:

  • Dramatically changing functionality, layout, and design.

  • Reorganizing the site's architecture.

  • Creating many net-new pages.

  • Undergoing a complete rebranding and new visual identity.

The purpose of a website redesign is to achieve a significant transformation in both aesthetics and functionality. It allows you to align your website with your current branding, improve user experience, and meet the evolving needs of your business.

A redesign can oftentimes coincide with a website migration or a complete overhaul of the website's tech stack. 

A headless CMS can improve this process by offering increased flexibility and scalability, enabling you to manage and distribute content more efficiently across various platforms. Additionally, a more advanced hosting environment can improve reliability and website performance.

Website Redesign Example

Thinking About Elevating Your Website Design? 🎨

Get the best source of inspiration for your next refresh or full redesign project - The Best B2B SaaS Website eBook!

3 Signs You Need a Website Refresh

If you're unsure whether your website needs a refresh, there are several signs to look for. 

  • Outdated Visual Elements: Outdated graphics, an old color scheme, or a design that feels out of touch with current trends can make your website look unappealing and impact its credibility. Updating these elements gives your site a fresh and modern look that aligns with your brand identity.

  • Repetitive Use of Designs Across Page Types: Using the same design templates or layouts across different page types can make your website feel repetitive and monotonous. While consistency in design is important, excessive repetition can make your site appear dull and unengaging. Introducing variation and creativity can create a more visually appealing and dynamic website.

  • Minor Usability Issues: Minor usability issues, such as broken links, slow page loading times, or confusing navigation, can significantly impact user experience. 53% of visits are abandoned if a mobile site takes longer than 3 seconds to load, affecting your conversion rates. Addressing these minor usability issues through a website refresh can enhance the overall user experience and make it easier for visitors to navigate and engage with your website.

3 Signs You Need a Website Redesign

10 Tips Before Starting A B2B Website Redesign - Featured Image

There are certain signs that indicate your website may require a complete redesign rather than just a refresh.

  1. Major Usability Problems: Usability problems can significantly impact user experience and hinder conversions. A complicated navigation menu or a lack of mobile responsiveness are examples of major usability problems that may require a redesign to address.

  2. Outdated Design and Tech: The case may be that the website has not changed very much in a long time in terms of looks or technologies. Visually, it may be underwhelming or pales in comparison to your competitors. Or, the site may be bogged down by the many little technical issues that have built up over time.

  3. Shifting Brand Identity or Product Offerings: If your brand identity or product offerings have undergone significant changes, it is essential to reflect those changes accurately on your website. A redesign can help align your website with your current brand identity and product offerings.

  4. Overhauling Site Structure: If you are planning to add new categories or restructure the navigation to improve user experience and ensure a cohesive website structure, a redesign is necessary. These changes may require rebuilding components and adjusting the overall site structure to achieve the desired results.

Impact of Refreshing vs. Redesigning Your Website

Deciding between refreshing or redesigning your website is crucial to keeping it aligned with your business goals. Both approaches can help, but each has different impacts on cost, time, and SEO.

💰 Cost Considerations

A website refresh is generally more budget-friendly. It focuses on updates within your existing site structure, such as branding elements or minor design changes. This approach avoids the higher costs associated with starting from scratch. 

On the other hand, a website redesign involves significant changes, like overhauling the layout and design or switching to a new content management system. These extensive changes require a larger financial investment but offer a more comprehensive transformation.

⏰️ Time Investment

Time is another important factor to consider when deciding between a refresh and a redesign. 

A website refresh can usually be completed more quickly since it involves making updates within your existing structure. This means less time spent on rebuilding components or testing. 

A complete website redesign may take longer to implement due to the need to rebuild certain elements and conduct extensive testing. Consider your timeline and urgency when evaluating the time investment required for each approach.

🔎 SEO Implications

Both approaches can impact your search engine rankings. With a refresh, you can improve your website's SEO by updating meta tags, optimizing content, and implementing other on-page SEO strategies. 

These updates help increase visibility in search results and attract more organic traffic. A website redesign, in addition to these on-page SEO strategies, provides an opportunity to restructure your website, optimize site speed, and enhance user experience, all of which can positively impact your SEO efforts. 

However, it's important to plan and execute the redesign carefully to avoid any adverse effects on your organic search rankings.

How to Decide Between a Refresh and a Redesign

When deciding between a website refresh and a website redesign, it's essential to consider your business goals and evaluate your current website's performance.

  1. Assessing Your Business Goals: Start by assessing your business goals and what you want to achieve with your website. Are you looking to increase brand visibility, improve user experience, or drive more conversions? What are the long-term goals of the marketing team? Can they be achieved as the website currently stands? Will the design and tech hinder you from being successful?

  2. Evaluating Current Website Performance: Next, evaluate your current website's performance to identify areas that may require updates or more significant changes. 

Consider metrics such as conversion rates, bounce rates, user feedback, and page loading times. These insights can provide valuable information on where your website is succeeding and where it may be falling short.

By analyzing your business goals and website performance, you can determine which approach, refresh or redesign, will best serve your needs.

Thinking About Elevating Your Website Design? 🎨

Get the best source of inspiration for your next refresh or full redesign project - The Best B2B SaaS Website eBook!

Ready For Your Next Website Project? 

If you're unsure whether your website needs a refresh or redesign, here are some signs to look for:

  • Outdated Visual Elements: Graphics or color schemes that feel old can signal the need for an update.

  • Repetitive Designs: Using the same templates across different pages can make your site feel stale.

  • Minor Usability Issues: Broken links or slow loading times can frustrate visitors and impact user experience.

  • Non-Responsive Design: If your website doesn’t adapt well to different devices and screen sizes, it’s time for a redesign.

  • Poor Search Engine Rankings: If your site isn’t ranking well on search engines, a redesign with better SEO practices might be needed.

  • High Bounce Rates: If visitors are leaving your site quickly, it could be a sign that your site isn’t engaging or user-friendly.

  • Difficult Navigation: If users struggle to find information easily, it’s a clear indicator that your site’s structure needs improvement.

  • Outdated Content Management System: Using an old CMS can limit your site’s functionality and security.

Here at Webstacks, we help tech leaders level up their online presence through next-gen solutions for SaaS website design

If you’re interested in finding out more, feel free to reach out to us! 

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Table of contents
Understanding the Difference
What is a Website Refresh?
Website Refresh Example
What is a Website Redesign?
Website Redesign Example
3 Signs You Need a Website Refresh
3 Signs You Need a Website Redesign
Impact of Refreshing vs. Redesigning Your Website
⏰️ Time Investment
🔎 SEO Implications
How to Decide Between a Refresh and a Redesign
Ready For Your Next Website Project? 
SEO Implications
How to Decide Between a Refresh and a Redesign
⏰️Time Investment
SEO Implications
How to Decide Between a Refresh and a Redesign
Time Investment
SEO Implications
How to Decide Between a Refresh and a Redesign
Time Investment
SEO Implications
How to Decide Between a Refresh and a Redesign
v Cost Considerations
Time Investment
SEO Implications
How to Decide Between a Refresh and a Redesign
Cost Considerations
Time Investment
SEO Implications
How to Decide Between a Refresh and a Redesign
Website Refresh vs Redesign: Which Do You Actually Need?
Understanding the Difference
What is a Website Refresh?
What is a Website Redesign?
3 Signs You Need a Website Refresh
3 Signs You Need a Website Redesign
Impact of Refreshing vs. Redesigning Your Website
Cost Considerations
Time Investment
SEO Implications
How to Decide Between a Refresh and a Redesign